Sunday, June 29, 2014

Why you should use Flickr

Why you should use Flickr

Flickr is a great way to share photos and videos with the world but another cool thing is that you can also use Flickr to control who you share with such as friends or family sharing only.

Flickr is adept at handling full resolution photos HD videos and offers you an amazing amount of storage space which is 1 terabyte for free!

Since Flickr is so generous with free storage place this makes it an ideal option for backing up all of your valuable data on their platform Wink

In case you hadn't realized it this massive free storage resource also creates for you a free and very cool option to expand your mobile device 
storage capacity by migrating and storing at Flickr.

We happened across this 5 minute video at YouTube that does a fabulous job of pointing out the many enticing features of Flickr. The video also compares Flickr to the competing options and shows why Flickr is a superior option due to the massive amount of storage they provide for free. 

The video also does a great job in explaining a few tips and tricks when using the Flickr app on your mobile device.

Visit this Snapchat blog post to read the entire article.

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